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EPRS Issues studies on AI and GDPR

The AI Study addresses both opportunities and challenges and discusses informed consent for data to be stored, processed, or shared for particular purposes, such as in the context of research, and refers to the GDPR requirement for informed consent for both the collection and processing, although that is only one of several legal bases for processing personal data. 

The GDPR Study addresses the relationship between the GDPR and AI and machine learning.   The GDPR Study provides an analysis of how AI is regulated under the GDPR and discusses AI and the data protection principles, such as purpose limitation and data minimisation, transparency relating to information concerning AI systems, particularly those involving profiling and automated decision-making. 

The link for the AI study is below.  Here is the link for the GDPR study

In machine learning applications, AI systems learn to make predictions after being trained on vast sets of examples. Thus, AI has become hungry for data, and this hunger has spurred data collection, in a self-reinforcing spiral: the development of AI systems based on machine learning presupposes and fosters the creation of vast data sets, i.e., big data.


gdpr, artificial intelligence, ai, emerging technologies