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HHS expands COVID-19 vaccine program to all community health centers

This week, the Biden administration announced all Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are eligible to take part in HHS’ health center COVID-19 vaccine program. This builds on the Administration’s February launch of the first phase of the program, which allocated vaccines directly to a limited number of FQHCs. This expansion is all part of an endeavor to bring equity to the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines, as FQHCs focus on serving under-served communities and vulnerable populations, including Black, Hispanic, low-income, and immigrant populations.

On Tuesday, in an effort to bring awareness to the program, President Biden toured a vaccination test site at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia being run by Neighborhood Health, an FQHC whose mission is “to improve health and advance health equity in Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax by providing high-quality primary care regardless of ability to pay."

Nearly 1,500 health centers can now participate in the program, which launched in February with 250 participants. HHS expanded the program to another 700 health centers in March. The latest expansion includes more than 500 additional health centers operating over 2,500 care sites.


health care & life sciences, covid-19