Worldwide, companies are effected by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic which has impacted their Just In Time logistics arrangements. These are issues our transportation team have encountered in a variety of guises including: major retailers switching from shipping to air transport; unavailability of goods and cargos; parties seeking to invoke force majeure contract clauses; manufacturers and retailers re-evaluating their contracts for ocean, air and road carriage; and ordinary (non-Covid) diseases being treated by authorities as potential Covid-19 infections with consequent serious delays. It is an open question whether manufacturers and retailers will shift to a new logistics set up, either temporarily or permanently. As discussed in the article, the costs of holding large inventory in warehouses can be expensive. Only time will tell what the next normal might be!
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Logistics issues make the front page of the New York Times!
In a time of extraordinary upheaval in the global economy, Just In Time is running late.