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Not even Noah is above the MCA Inspectors

The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), the executive agency of the UK government responsible for the maritime sector, recently made the news for detaining a replica of Noah's Ark following an inspection in the Port of Ipswich.

The vessel is a floating biblical museum estimated to be around half the size of the original Ark; it has been in the news previously having broken free from its moorings and damaging a ferry in the Netherlands back in 2018. 

However, regardless of it's use as a floating museum the vessel must still meet the same requirements as any other sea-going vessel. A number of deficiencies were found that ultimately rendered the vessel unseaworthy. As with any inspection, once the deficiencies have been rectified the MCA will return to review the corrections and determine if the vessel is fit to go to sea. 

This is a quirky reminder for Owners that all vessels are liable for inspection and that the authorities will not hesitate to detain those found to be sub-standard which can cause long delays and significant expenses being incurred.

Flood of deficiencies: UK inspectors declare Noah's Ark unseaworthy


transportation, shipping, seaworthiness