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Data Transfers Made Easier

Today we launch the DaTA Transfer Pathway, our latest Data Assessment Transfer tool. Following the Schrems II ruling and in light of the new EU-Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), we have developed a tool which analyses the laws, regulations and surveillance practices of third countries, and provides the user with a data transfer impact assessment on the transfer of personal data. Developed by our Tech & Data lawyers and our Knowledge Management team, it combines technological innovation with subject matter expertise.

β€œThe Schrems II ruling combined with the new EU-Standard Contractual Clauses has a far reaching impact for all businesses that are transferring personal data outside of the EU. Given the requirements to conduct a data transfer assessment and to re-paper the old SCCs for the new within a very short timeframe, we created DaTA Transfer Pathway to make the process fast and easy for our clients.”


emerging technologies