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"The UK data protection regime will be reformed"

This was all that was said today in the Queen's Speech about the UK Government's "data reform bill".

However, for us geeky data lawyers, this is not new information. The Government launched a consultation back in 2021 on reforms to create an "ambitious, pro-growth and innovation-friendly data protection regime that underpins the trustworthy use of data" (see our Blog post on the Government's consultation here). 

Despite the Government's lack of response to the consultation, what is clear from today's announcement (and the accompanying document - see here) is that this is still very much part of the Government's agenda. Rumor has it that a response will be published within weeks and a proposed bill will be published in the summer. 

Watch this space for further updates. 

The government will announce a new data reform bill in the Queen's Speech intended to allow the UK to deviate from EU privacy legislation, Sky News has learnt.


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