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Radiology issues addressed at the recent AMA House of Delegates meeting

The American College of Radiology (ACR) has, for many years, had a strong voice in organized medicine.  ACR and other radiology specialty societies represented in the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association (AMA) work to diligently represent the views of radiologists in that key policy-making body. Arl Van Moore, MD is the long-standing delegate from ACR to the AMA House of Delegates. He has served in that role for many years, including during some of the years when I worked as general counsel to the ACR. 

In a video interview with Radiology Business during last week's AMA annual meeting, Dr. Moore discussed two important issues addressed in resolutions passed by the delegates to the AMA: (1) a request to reform the implementation of mandated consultation of appropriate use criteria (AUC) using clinical decision support mechanisms when ordering outpatient advanced imaging studies for Medicare patients, and (2) the challenges brought about by the recent global shortage of iodinated contrast agents used in many imaging studies.

Kudos to Dr. Moore and the other radiologists in the House of Delegates for their efforts on behalf of the specialty. These relationships matter!

The biggest medical imaging-related news was a resolution that directs the AMA to lobby Congress to change the language and implementation of the current Medicare mandate that all advanced medical imaging exams (CT, MRI, nuclear) needs documentation that the order included consulting of clinician decision support (CDS) software.


health care & life sciences, diagnostic radiology