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Google Fonts and EU Data Transfers - Lively discussion and some guidance

If your organization received a demand letter from an attorney in Austria, Germany or other EU country regarding use of Google Fonts or if you generally are interested in updates on international data transfers, you should take 60 mins and watch the recording of the Privacy Ring discussion last week with high ranked speakers.

Google Fonts:

  • Google Fonts is different than Google Analytics as no cookies are dropped.
  • Authorities see no strong position for individuals as claimants are not individually affected. At least German authorities, therefore, have not yet started any proceedings against organizations using Google Fonts in Germany. 
  • Ongoing: Proceedings by the lawyers chamber in Austria against the attorney representing the individuals in the warning letters.
  • Solution recommended by DPAs: local implementation of Google Fonts.

Transatlantic Data Protection Framework:

  • Austrian Data Protection Authority “I might be a witch, but I don’t have a crystal ball.”  UPDATE: -> We now know more and expect the Framework in March or April 2023.  
  • US presidential order will be passed in October (dates have been pushed since May). Then the Framework discussions continue between EU and US and the EDPB needs to approve (UPDATE: rough timing: March or April).  Expected: A waterproof solution that will survive Schrems III. 
  • General criticism in the audience and by non-authority speakers: “Weak” the guidance by EU/authorities regarding third country data transfers- Authorities should focus on "severe" cases and also go after non-US providers, e.g. China or India. Reaction by authorities: Authorities receive many complaints by individuals are obliged by law to deal with them.

Recording available. If you speak German, I definitely recommend that you watch this!

Wir übertrugen live den "Privacy Ring 2022" aus der Aula der Universität Wien. Thema ist der Datenschutz im Lichte des Transatlantik-Abkommens. EU-US Datenübermittlung im Fokus Es sprechen: Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó (Universität Wien) Dr. Andrea Jelinek, (Leiterin der Österreichischen Datenschutzbehörde) RA. Dr. Philipp Mittelberger (Datenschutzexperte BWB Rechtsanwälte) Markus Plank (Präsident des Interactive Advertising Bureau Austria) Barbara Thiel (Leiterin der Datenschutzbehörde des Landes Niedersachsen) Moderation: Iris Phan (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Judith Leschanz (A1, Secur-Data), Katja Wyrobek (Secur-Data)


google fonts, gdpr, data transfers, edpb, tdpf, emerging technologies