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DOJ Launches Corporate Crime Database

Demonstrating the Department of Justice (“DOJ”)'s continued focus on corporate crime, the DOJ has launched a new database tracking all corporate crime cases resolved since the end of April 2023.

Last year, after a top DOJ official said data showed a decline in corporate criminal prosecutions, several federal lawmakers urged the DOJ to publicly disclose data related to its prosecution of corporate crime, and introduced a bill that would require the DOJ to collect, aggregate, analyze, and publish comprehensive data on federal corporate criminal enforcement actions. While the bill did not pass, DOJ took notice. Assistant Attorney General Carlos Felipe Uriarte announced the launch of the database in a May 30 letter to lawmakers stating, “The [DOJ] agrees that corporate crime data collection and transparency are critical elements of effective enforcement. We are pleased to report that the department’s website now includes a corporate crime section and a public repository of information for corporate crime cases.” While the searchable corporate crime database contains only 13 cases so far, the DOJ has promised that it will eventually contain the “significant, relevant” corporate crime cases across all divisions and U.S. attorney’s offices.

The database should provide insight into DOJ corporate crime priorities, as well as factors that DOJ considers relevant in bringing and resolving corporate crime cases.


regulatory & investigations, corporate crime