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The future of sustainable fuel sources in transportation – Potential for widescale application

Outcome: Nearly half of our respondents say biofuel and green hydrogen are the sustainable fuel sources most likely to see widespread application in the transportation sector.

It is unsurprising that our respondents had more confidence in “green” biomass-derived fuels than in “blue” fuels. Future regulatory treatment of “blue” fuels, which are created artificially using electricity or other power that might be derived from fossil fuels, is less certain than treatment for “green” or biomass-derived fuels, which have a clearer low-carbon footprint.

Survey results: This bar chart shows that 54% of respondents selected biofuel as the sustainable fuel source most likely to see widespread application in the transportation sector, followed by green hydrogen (46%), electricity from renewable sources (39%), bio-LNG (37%), wind (34%), bio-gas (32%), methanol (32%), nuclear (29%), blue hydrogen (27%) and ammonia (22%). Please note that respondents were able to select more than one option. Read about our other survey results here.


decarbonization, esg, transportation