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HHS-OGC Closes ROs and Terminates Additional Attorneys

Following on my post yesterday regarding early retirements and separations at HHS, we understand today that over 120 HHS-OGC lawyers were terminated in association with this newly announced reorganization effort, adding to the firings of probationary lawyers and “fork” departures.   When we add the expected departures for retirements and incentive separations, will OGC even be at 50 percent from the November headcount?

As part of this reorganization, HHS-OGC will close Regional Offices in Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, and New York City.  

Clients who are parties to actions should expect some level of disruption as these changes ripple through the system.   

For example, in our current matters, we have seen the sudden terminations of lawyers who were handling material lawsuits and where dispositive motions were due within a week of the termination.  


As part of the department’s ongoing efforts to advance the Secretary Kennedy’s mission to Make America Healthy Again, OGC will consolidate the number of regional offices from 10 to four. Regional offices will be maintained in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Kansas City (MO), and Denver, which will provide the same geographic support for regional HHS offices at lower operating costs.


hhs, trump administration, health care & life sciences