The latest referenda in a number of states-many of them "red" states-shows that the legalization of cannabis for, at minimum, medicinal purposes is not only supported by Democrats but also has the support of many Republicans. Even in Mississippi, South Dakota and Montana, voters have overwhelmingly voted to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes and in the case of Arizona, South Dakota and New Jersey, the voters have clearly spoken: legalize cannabis for adult use. This proves that cannabis is a bi-partisan issue and that the laws are continuing to favor legalization-certainly for medicinal use and in many places for adult use as well. Please join me today as I moderate a panel as part of the New York Institute of Credit two day symposium on current issues pertaining to our economy. My panel will focus on the cannabis industry and includes some great industry experts.
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Who would have thunk it? Even some of the most traditionally "conservative" states support some degree of cannabis legalization
Voters in Arizona, New Jersey, South Dakota and Montana approved ballotinitiatives to legalize recreational marijuana, while South Dakota andMississippi both approved medical marijuana proposals.