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Happy anniversary GDPR :-)

G D P R. It has been a whole three years since these four letters became part of my (and a lot of other people's) everyday language. Three years? Oh how time flies when you're having fun....

What have we been doing that is so fun I hear you say? Well, we have been working away to develop a number of tools to help you with your GDPR compliance efforts. These include:

1. A GDPR toolkit - a toolkit of accountability documents

2. Datarologie - a one-stop shop service for all of your privacy compliance needs

3. A data transfer impact assessment tool - to allow you to automate your data transfer risk assessments

4. A GDPR assessment - to check your GDPR compliance 

Get in touch to find out how these tools can help you save time and effort with your GDPR compliance. 

Organisations continue to take steps towards compliance as this is a reiterative exercise. We also continue to develop new ways of supporting our clients and have built tools and solutions to help clients to be efficient in their GDPR compliance efforts: GDPR toolkit. A toolkit of accountability documents to help organisations meet their GDPR requirements. Datarologie. An innovative service providing a one-stop shop for privacy compliance needs combining technology solutions and consultancy services. The comprehensive offering includes data subject rights management; a tracking tool for personal data breach preparation and response, auditing and benchmarking; outsourced Data Protection Officer services; GDPR representative services in the UK and the EU, as well as the provision of legal advice. Data Transfer Impact Assessment tool. This tool allows organizations to automate and create (1) a risk assessment for data transfers to third countries...


emerging technologies