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State of the E-Discovery Industry

We are in a $13+ billion industry, and growing, according to the 2022 State of the Industry Report published by eDiscovery Today! Kudos and thanks to Doug Austin and his team at eDiscovery Today for publishing such a useful report. Other notable insights:

  • There were at least 54 merger, investment, or acquisition transactions in the e-discovery industry in 2021 – more than a 50% increase over 2020. 
  • Most survey respondents (over 62%) expect work-from-home to continue indefinitely, while over 20% of the remainder expect a hybrid future between in-home and in-office. 
  • Only about 27% of survey respondents use predictive coding in half or more of their cases, matching the 27% who rarely or never use predictive coding. The remaining 46% use predictive coding sometimes.

I am honored to again be included among the industry thought leaders whose comments and predictions are included in the report, and I always enjoy comparing my predictions with those of others in the industry.

There were at least 54 merger, investment, or acquisition transactions in the e-discovery industry in 2021 – more than a 50% increase over 2020.


tar, e-discovery, predictive coding, information governance, work from home