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Welcome Aboard

Before the pandemic, I routinely logged over 100,000 air miles traveling throughout the world.  When the pandemic shut down came and travel for me ended, I really missed it despite all the hassles getting to and through airports had become in years past.  Now that restrictions have eased and I've begun to dip my toe again in flying, I've certainly found it more stressful than ever before.  But the idea of getting on a plane and arriving in a far distant place to see friends, colleagues, and clients is well worth it.

That's why I was pleased to read the paper by my colleagues at Reed Smith on the state of the airline industry.  They're optimistic!  And optimists always wins over pessimists.  

Happy flying.

With the loss of nearly two years of passenger traffic, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit aviation harder than nearly any other industry. Yet there are reasons for optimism as the industry looks to emerge from the crisis stronger than before.


covid-19, transportation, airlines, economy, travel