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UK customs: Outage of the Goods and Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) platform

The UK’s ‘goods and vehicle movement service’ (or, ‘GVMS’) will be unavailable until midday on Monday (11 April 2022). This will likely fuel border delays and inconvenience at an already busy time of year.

HMRC are in the process of investigating the cause behind the GVMS platform outage. In the meantime, if you do not have a goods movement reference, we understand that border officials are accepting other documents. For example they are accepting the relevant documents below:

  • transit accompanying document (TAD)
  • movement reference number
  • entry reference number
  • declaration unique consignment reference (DUCR)

Hauliers moving through Dover, Holyhead and the Eurotunnel will not need to attend an Inland Border Facility (unless instructed otherwise by a customs officer or, for example, if they are carrying goods that are covered by a CITEs permit).

At this time, customs declarations will also not be ‘arrived’ automatically in CHIEF or the Customs Declaration Service. The declarant/trader/third party intermediary who submitted the declaration to UK customs will therefore need to log into CHIEF or the Customs Declaration Service and ‘arrive’ the declaration in order to confirm that the goods are now in the UK.


transportation, customs