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Tomorrow's supply chain - Grid Reform: the unexpected supply chain risk

Typically when you think about supply chain risks related to building out the energy grid, physical raw materials such as turbines for wind, panels for solar, etc. first come to mind. The U.S. has done a lot to remediate the supply chain issues post COVID in reducing port backlog, etc. However, one key component is in short supply: permits needed to build the necessary energy infrastructure. Without a permit reform, smoothing out the physical commodity supply chain issues won't get us any closer towards our energy transition goals.

The climate stakes are high. Last year, Congress approved hundreds of billions of dollars for solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and other technologies to tackle global warming. But if the United States can’t build new transmission at a faster pace, roughly 80 percent of the emissions reductions expected from that bill might not happen, researchers at the Princeton-led REPEAT Project found.


supply chain, tomorrows supply chain, energy transition