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The case for eSports unification

The issue about whether virtual sports are the same as esports has been the subject of much online chatter and was reported widely recently. To be fair, purists on both ends do have a point whether esports has the necessary blood and sweat to be a sport and whether virtualising a sport makes it an esport. 

Rather than focus entirely on the differences, I suggest that both esports and traditional sports have similarities. Both are intensely competitive and the same conflicting emotions of the esctasy of victory and the agony of defeat present. But just as players battle it out tooth and nail, that same competitive nature can be healthy sportsmanship. But there is a greater prize for greater acceptance of esports into the regular sports fold - esports allows more inclusivity in participation. Divisions by sex are unheard of and many games do allow persons with disabilities to compete alongside able-bodied competitors. There is no need to organise a separate mega-event and will also end the debate on why prize money is differentiated. 

Finally, the viewing public (such as I) can watch all the events online or in one venue - where else can you move to being a spectator of the sailing event to viewing a cycling competition fifteen minutes later. 

I support the call for unifying esports and traditional sports.

While there are no concrete plans now for esports to be included as medal events at the Olympics, the Singapore event will be watched closely to see what sort of reception it garners. “I think it will be fascinating to see how it is received. Much of this will no doubt come down to the altered format of the games,” Woods said.


entertainment & media, emerging technologies