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Bye Bye Bye! Legal Considerations for Departing Employees

Departing and transitioning employees present information governance and legal hold challenges for companies and their Human Resources, Legal, and Information Technology departments. To reduce the challenges and risks associated with these transitioning employees, companies can develop a cross-functional team approach to ensure appropriate notifications, return of company assets, and retention of important data.

Departing employee-specific data must be handled with care. While remote work arrangements and new privacy laws increase the potential for missing or mishandling electronic information, use of written guidelines and established exit interview processes can support HR, Legal, and IT teams in meeting their legal, regulatory, and business obligations. For example, thorough exit interviews can identify all potential sources for company data, helping IT and Legal to maintain proper legal holds and avoid spoliation of relevant data. Employee-specific data sources, information, and hard copy documents should be identified and evaluated as they may prove invaluable to organizations seeking to comply with legal holds, retain important company records, defend against future legal claims, and protect sensitive business information.

For more information on this topic, join us on October 4th at 12:00 p.m. EST for “Bye Bye Bye! Legal Considerations Relating to Departing Employees,” a free CLE webinar hosted by Reed Smith’s Records & E-Discovery and Labor, Employment & Benefits practice groups.

Register here!


ediscovery, employee data, information governance, ig, departing, transitioning, employees, webinar, termination, e-discovery