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Health Data Space - keeping you informed

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is part of the European Commission's data strategy to increase the use and sharing of health data as well the interoperability of health data across the EU.  

It has three core aspects:

  1. Providing individuals with increased access and control of their electronic personal health data.
  2. Creating a single market for electronic health record systems, relevant medical devices and high risk AI systems.
  3. Setting a framework for secondary use of health data for research and innovation.

The EHDS will interoperate with the Data Governance Act, the Data Act and the GDPR. Debate by the Parliament on the EHDS is expected this month with trilogue negotiations due in 2024.

At a Glance

Tomislav Sokol (EPP, Croatia), Environment Committee co-rapporteur, said: “The European Health Data Space represents a central building block of the European Health Union and a milestone in the EU’s digital transformation. It is one of the few pieces of EU legislation where we create something completely new at the European level. It will empower citizens by enhancing healthcare at a national and cross-border level, and will facilitate the responsible sharing of health data - boosting research and innovation.”


european data strategy, health data, ehds, emerging technologies, health care & life sciences