Presenting the long-awaited finalised EU AI Act, now available for review. You can find a compare version of nearly 900 pages (please consider the environment before printing) here and a clean version of 300 pages here. So a lot of reading and understanding for all of us. Unsurprisingly, the Act contains many details, and let's hope this does not turn out to be an "EU innovation stopper." Two important and helpful observations are: (I) It enters into force 24 months after publication in the official journal (which has not yet happened), with additional deadlines for ensuring compliance of AI systems with the AI Act, especially those that were in place before the AI Act came into existence (see Arts. 85 foll); and (II) under Art. 82a, the EU Commission is called upon to develop guidelines on the practical implementation of the AI Act. Keep on reading!
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Finalised EU AI Act text available
1. The Commission shall develop guidelines on the practical implementation of this Regulation, and in particular on: (a) the application of the requirements and obligations referred to in Articles 8 - 15 and Article 28; (b) the prohibited practices referred to in Article 5; (c) the practical implementation of the provisions related to substantial modification; (d) the practical implementation of transparency obligations laid down in Article 52; (e) detailed information on the relationship of this Regulation with the legislation referred to in Annex II of this Regulation as well as other relevant Union law, including as regards consistency in their enforcement; (f) the application of the definition of an AI system as set out in Article 3(1). When issuing such guidelines, the Commission shall pay particular attention to the needs of SMEs including start-ups, local public authorities and .....