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Overview over territorial Scope of the AI Act – EU and outside EU

Like the GDPR, the EU AI-Act also applies not only to European organizations, but also to organizations outside Europe. Below is an overview.

The AI-Act applies to

  • Organizations located in the EU that use AI systems
  • Importers, distributors or manufacturers of AI systems in the EU
  • Providers (inside or outside the EU) that place AI systems on the EU market , and 
  • Providers and users of AI systems (inside or outside the EU) where the output is used in the EU

Some interesting exceptions from the scope of applicability. The AI Act does not apply to:

  • AI systems and their output specifically developed and put into service for the sole purpose of scientific research and development and
  • Testing of AI systems before they are placed on the market

And, don’t forget the broad definition of “AI-System” that basically catches all software that is a “bit more” than an automated spreadsheet calculation… 

In our next post we will inform you when organizations must be ready to implement the AI Act. 

The legal framework will apply to both public and private actors inside and outside the EU as long as the AI system is placed on the Union market or its use affects people located in the EU.


european data strategy, dsa, digital services act, emerging technologies, entertainment & media