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The European Health Data Space - Keeping you informed

On March 15 the council of the EU und and EU Parliament finally agreed on the European Health Data Space by concluding a provisional political agreement. It establishes rules for the use of health data for better healthcare delivery, research, innovation, and policymaking. Citizens will have electronic access to prescriptions, imagery and lab tests. Research will also benefit from the new regulation as aggregated health data can be shared for research purposes. To ensure adequate protection of data subjects, strong privacy safeguards will be implemented to ensure that the exchange of health data is safe and secure, and in particular in full compliance with the GDPR.

The European Parliament and the Council will now formally adopt the regulation. After that it will become applicable in different stages depending on use and data type.

We will keep you up to date on all developments and will take a closer look at the individual regulatory content of the EHDS in our next posts.

"The European Health Data Space is a game changing moment for health in Europe and for the care our citizens receive. It will enable patients to share health data, such as their medical history, test results, or prescriptions with hospitals and medical practitioners within and across Member States, as they wish. At the same time, it will unleash the potential of health data for the development of innovative and lifesaving treatments and devices, as well as for better health policy-making, all with strong data protection and security safeguards. Our Health Union is built on cooperation, and the European Health Data Space will be one of the strongest and most emblematic examples of what we can achieve when we come together." (Stella Kyriakides (Commissioner for Health and Food Safety))


health data, ehds, european health data space, eu, privacy law, european data strategy, emerging technologies