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UK Tech Secretary suggests compromise on AI copyright proposal

UK technology secretary Peter Kyle has acknowledged enormous pushback from the creative industries to the text and data mining exception that the Labour government has proposed as a reform to the current copyright laws in a bid to make the UK attractive to the tech sector from a legal perspective.

The consultation period for this proposal closed in February, and the government now has to consider all responses and push forward with a solution, which may or may amend existing copyright law in the UK - potentially to the detriment of rightsholders.

Kyle has suggested that the intention is still to push through change, although he made it clear he did not intend to “choose between” the AI sector and the creative arts sector.

There was no mention of the so-called market solution: letting an economy for licensing data to evolve under the current legal landscape, and implementing transparency measures instead of blanket legal exceptions (opt-out or not).

Following the consultation period (and the 11,000 responses to the proposal), the government has said that it plans to legislate “in due course”.

“We have the third-largest AI market in the world and we have the second-largest creative arts sector in the world. I will not pit one against the other and I...


copyright, ai, artificial intelligence, film, tv, music, legislation